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Hi I'm Timothy and I am a Freelance Marketing Expert.

I would love to brainstorm about your branding and your next marketing move, perform technical SEO audits, implement new technical connections and make sure that your new search engine advertising campaign runs smoothly while keeping a close eye on your social media activity.

How did I get here

In the last years the digital marketing world expanded drastically and it has become such an interesting and important aspect of today's way of finding new customers for your company. And I just love every little bit of it!


Ever since I was little I was intrigued by print advertising which made me study Graphic Design and introduced me to my first steps into the digital design and marketing world.


After working in different agencies and companies as a Digital Marketing Manager I decided that it was time to start my own independent journey as a freelance marketing expert.


Why Green Marketing

I am passionate about the nature around me. I've traveled a good part of the world and lived and worked on three continents so far.

All my vacations are a bit adventurous and I just love to explore new parts of the world to interact with different cultures and see new wonders of the world. It triggers my inspiration, keeps me creative and it keeps my view on the world fresh.


So I want to preserve the world as I know it and make sure that I only work together with companies that have the right "green" mindset, products and services.

Read more about Green and Sustainable Marketing in my Blog.


What am I doing to keep my own company green?

For each and every project I plant trees. The bigger the project, the more trees that will be planted. The trees will be planted together with the One Tree Planted organization.

I am also an ambassador of the Ten Tree brand which plants 10 trees for every purchased item.


You and me

Does your company have a green mindset as well? Well, what are you waiting for? Contact me today and let me know how I can help you.

Timothy De Ridder - Green Marketing for
  • LinkedIn - Timothy De Ridder
  • Instagram - backpackontrack

While traveling around the world I look for what is unique, creative, colorful, intelligent, brave, and on-trend.

Photo: Mount Elbrus - Summit day



Inspired by the world

I really like to discover new places around the world. Hiking from a dense rainforest towards snowy mountain tops and crossing a desert to reach the edge of the ocean. It stimulates my creativity and it gives me a better insight in how beautifully unique all parts of the world are.


My hobbies

Photography is more than a hobby, it's a passion. Whenever possible I try to head out with my camera and interact with the environment I'm in.


Running escalated from being a start to run to running multiple marathons and eventually ending up into trail running in forests and sky-racing in the snow between mountain tops. Currently training for a 100K trail running mountain race.


Painting like Bob Ross because sometimes I just need to stay at home and paint the landscapes of my dreams.


Blogging about travel & adventure on my website

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